Watch Trailers

Rain Deer – Randy Newberg

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Film Overview

Very few people are familiar with the Sitka black-tailed deer that occupy the rainy islands of Southeast Alaska. A passionate biologist, Dr. Sophie Gilbert, shares her story of learning about these deer through her PhD research and how she finds help from a local hunter, Jim Baichtal. Through his hunting knowledge they are able to capture and deer and utilize GPS collars to learn about their mysterious habits. The more that Sophie learns about Southeast Alaska hunting culture, hearing stories of unbelievable deer habitat in the high alpine that Jim calls his “Nirvana”, the more interested she becomes in hunting these deer for herself.…

20 Years With a Legend – Gary English

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Film Overview

This short film reflectshunting the Alaskan wilderness for 20 years with Alaskan Master Guide Virgil Umphenour. During my past huntingadventures,Virgil hasled me to numerous remote locations throughout the great state of Alaska, hunting, Dall sheep, Grizzly bear, wolf, and Alaska Yukon moose. Through those years of huntingadventures,I experienced with Virgil,I have developed a strong admiration and friendship with him. As far as Alaskan guides go, I hold him in legendary status. The hunt documented in this film,marked the 20thyear I have been hunting with Virgil.…

First Season – Project Upland

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Film Overview

In this short film, A.J. DeRosa, Creative Director of Project Upland, explores his first season of hunting with his first bird dog, a wirehaired pointing griffon named Grim. The film is a journey full of ups and downs, failures and successes, and the emotional fulfillment that comes from these unique relationships. From training to woodcock hunting, to traveling and home life, this bird hunting film is a tug at the emotions of those that pursue the uplands.…

Proving Ground – Mathews

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Circle of Life – Wild Sheep Foundation – Jason Matzinger

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Film Overview

Showing both grace and strength, the Wild Sheep will leave you in awe a lot of times. Traversing across sheer cliffs and scaling the mountains of the great Rocky Mountain West. But what does the future hold for this majestic animal? As a public trust, they genuinely belong to all of us, so it’s up to all of us to conserve them. The Circle of Life

Production Company

Zing Outdoor Productions [/column] [/row]…

Ruby Valley- Ducks Unlimited – Zach Petersen

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Film Overview

Ducks Unlimited has released the latest film in its online series. In “Ruby Valley,”Jim and Jean Prough take viewers along to the Ruby Valleyof southwest Montana. Longtime DU sponsors, the Proughs are dedicated conservationists with a love of dogs, ducks and the outdoors. People are Ducks Unlimited’s greatest resource,and DUrelieson volunteers and donors like Jim and Jean Prough to carry out its mission. This film combines gorgeous scenery around Sheridan, Montana, with insights into conservation efforts in the Ruby Valleyand the great waterfowl hunting there.…

Saving Grace – RMEF

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Film Overview

Hunting means many different things to those of us who do it. It’s a way to strengthen relationships, gain deeper connections to the land, provide food for our families and increase our appreciation for elk and other wildlife. For our good friend Sloane Brown from YETI, hunting offered something more, it offered a lifeline from drug addiction. Hunting was, and is, his Saving Grace…

Production Company

Big Time Entertainment [/column] [/row]…