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Final Approach – Official Waterfowl Partner of HFT
Great news! As we enter Year Four of the hunting Film Tour it is with great pleasure we announce we have a waterfowl Partner! I would like to officially welcome Final Approach to the HFT family. This category is near and dear to my heart as we are going to run this gear through the gauntlet in Saskatchewan, Canada in our waterfowl outfitting business… HFT Outfitters! Stay tuned for tons of photos and stories from the field this fall as we chase Snows, Specks, Greater and Lesser Canada’s and numerous species of ducks in the heart of the Central Flyway!…
Mathews – Official Archery Partner of HFT
It is with great pleasure we have the opportunity to announce Mathews has formally joined the HFT! If you have attended an HFT event you know bowhunting is no stranger to the big screen on Tour. We are excited to collaborate with Mathews in showcasing their equipment and championing their message on Tour. Couldn’t be more stoked to meet the athletes and highlight their high quality media. Two weeks ago I received a new Halon 6 and had the opportunity to set it up and start tuning… Wow!…
Forging A Legacy – Tagged Out
[row][column size=”1/2″] [/column] [column size=”1/2″]I dream of cold, windy and rainy winters when waterfowl flocks migrate along the Pacific Flyway to the Sacramento Valley. I long for the exhaustive 3 a.m. wake up calls to make the drive to the marsh lands while constantly strategizing about decoy spreads that work with that day’s weather. I obsess over my calling skills. Waterfowl hunting is my love, my meditation and my escape from the responsibilities of the world. It’s a recreation that I truly enjoy.[/column][/row]…
Hunt of a Lifetime – Boise
[row][column size=”2/3″]The Hunting film tour did not disappoint at the SOLD OUT show here in Boise this week! What an incredible night to get the adrenaline pumping and the eager anticipation of fall jumping out at you from the big screen! So much of the richness seen in this year’s selection of films centers on the tradition of hunting and the joy of sharing the outdoors with those you love. At Hunt of a Lifetime we couldn’t agree more with this message, and as a result were thrilled to be supported by the HFT at this year’s Boise, Idaho stop.… Pembroke Show Rocked…!
The first ever rendition of the Hunting Film Tour in Pembroke, Ontario turned out to be a great success. Held at Pembroke’s Festival Hall and hosted by, the Hunting Film Tour was a chance for local outdoor enthusiasts to get an opportunity to view some of the hunting industry’s top hunting video productions. The event, which took place on Saturday the 6th of February had a great turn out and a great reception and everyone who attended was outwardly pleased at the easy going environment and the relaxed atmosphere of the evening.…
HFT Proud to be Partnered with Ducks Unlimited
It is with great pleasure HFT announces we have officially partnered with the greatest wetland and waterfowl conservation organization in North America – Ducks Unlimited! We are super stoked to be featuring one of the DU waterfowl film series in the HFT show reel, they are masterfully produced by Rock Road Creative and share some beautiful stories, captivating personalities and outstanding cinematography. Stay tuned for an announcement of a DU HFT Gala fund raising event to be scheduled in the winter 2016!…
Africa Series – Part 3
[row][column size=”1/3″][/column] [column size=”2/3″]What Is the REAL Cost of an African Hunting Safari? An African hunting safari is a major undertaking. When deciding which hunt is right for you, it is important to consider not only the actual price of the hunt, but the full out of pocket costs that you will incur. Creating a realistic budget for your trip will help you avoid unpleasant surprises while thousands of miles from home. How to budget for your trip: Sit down and make a line item chart of all the expenses that are associated with your hunt.…
Africa Series – Part 2
[row][column size=”1/2″][/column] [column size=”1/2″]5 Reasons to Use a Hunt Broker When Booking Your African Hunting Safari For many hunters, an African hunting safari is the ultimate dream of a lifetime. Following in the steps of the great Teddy Roosevelt, stalking exotic game in their natural habitat, and experiencing the allure of a more refined age are just a few of the reasons that people book African hunting safaris. [/column][/row] Yet planning such a trip is a massive undertaking. Choosing the right safari, traveling to another continent, coping with paperwork requirements, and figuring out how to pay for it all can feel daunting and even overwhelming.…
Africa Series – Part 1
[row][column size=”1/2″] Note: This will be 1 of a 3-part article series we’ll publish – stay tuned! 5 Reasons to Take Your African Hunting Safari Now! Hunting in Africa has long been a rite of passage for those who want to truly test their skills. Although some commercial hunting ventures were already in place, it was Teddy Roosevelt’s 1909 grand tour that ushered in the golden age of the African hunting safari. Then a hobby only for the wealthy, the African safari trade expanded rapidly, with competition pushing prices down to a level that many hunters could reasonably afford.…
HFT Canada Premier – British Columbia
[row][column size=”1/2″] Get ready Kamloops! You’re first on the hit list for the Canadian Premier of HFT! The boys are loaded up and headed down the road with the show reels, banners and boxes of sweet swag from our Partners… Kelowna, Langley and Nanaimo… you’re next… Enjoy!!! [/column] [column size=”1/2″][/column] [/row]…