Film Overview
“The Last Chase” is the story about a man and his hound dog in the mountains of Montana. Nine years of walking in the path of mountain lions has come down to this final journey and epic story. Dedicated to the lives of every great pet that has ever touched our lives.
Production Company
Ever since an early age Jason has possessed an uncommon passion for hunting, a passion that is as alive today as it was many years ago. At an early age Jason was exposed to the great sport of hunting by his father Tim and his hunting partner George in their home state of Montana. Now 34, Jason has followed his passion and travelled the globe enjoying some of the most highly sought after hunting experiences in the world and is the hunter and filmmaker behind the series “Into High Country”. Now entering the fifth season on national television, Jason has been nominated for such awards as “Best New Series” and “Shot of the Year” by the Sportsman’s Choice Awards.[/column][/row]