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Film Overview
The film visits the Pierce family at their home in Montana for some unbelievable late season mallard shooting and conversations about the importance of family traditions. Marc Pierce is a longtime DU volunteer and former DU board member. He learned to love duck hunting from his father, and now he is passing on the traditions of waterfowling and conservation to his son and grandson.
“My Dad and I, some of our best memories were in a duck blind,” Marc said. Now it’s the fourth generation of Pierces that love to be in duck blinds.”
“When you start thinking about what’s really important in the long run, it becomes more about what can I do that means something . . . that’s going to last,” said Marc. “There’s really a lot of satisfaction in giving back. Giving back as a volunteer. Giving back as a financial donor. And in my case giving back in what our family legacy is really about.”
Production Company
Rock Road Creative is group of passionate outdoorsmen with a talent for creating meaningful media and a love for capturing stories through the lens. We strongly believe as outdoorsman it is our responsibility to tell our story, be proud of who we are and have a hell of a lot of fun along the way. To see more Rock Road produced content check out www.rockroadcreative.com